Marion van Eupen & Lida van de Water
Workshop Goddess Conference 2012
Mary full of Grace
Gate of Heaven
Eternal Mother
Morning Star
Mystique Rose
With the arrival of patriarchal belief systems, Goddess found Herself slain as the Great Snake or Dragon, written out of the scriptures and Her sacred sites demolished and torn down...
But the new paradigms could not stop women and men communicating with and honouring the Great Mother. She incarnated and took on the form of Mother Mary, who was quickly titled Queen of the Heavens, Star of the Sea, Seat of Wisdom, Blessed Mother and many more. It was She who showed us compassion, wisdom, abundance; She healed, comforted and held us through the centuries.
Now, in this transformative year of 2012, Mary is showing Herself in an even more astonishing pace and grandeur. She clearly sends out the message that She no longer is merely Goddess underground, but now needs to be reclaimed and honoured as Goddess in Her own right.
In this workshop during the Goddess Conference in Glastonbury, England we will unveil and reclaim Mary as the Goddess She is, for us and all people. We will look at how She Herself is an incarnation of other great Goddesses, like Isis and Sophia. We will deepen our connection with Her by exploring how we find comfort, healing, compassion, wisdom and abundance in and through Her and experience how She speaks Her words of unconditional love to you and me in this time and age
Picture: Nicolai Roerich “Mother of the World” (1949)
I was struck when Marion choose this beautfil representation of the Goddess; many many years ago, i ran into this picture (it was a postcard) and i was trembling with awe; it was in the 80’s, somewhere, i was busy being a feministe, a socialist one, and goddess was not consciously in my life. But this picture struck me. I have kept it ever since. And now i see it back.... as the visualisation of Mary, Goddess Underground. Lida Avenahar
Personal information:
Marion is a priestess of Brigantia, trained in the tradition of Avalon by priestesses of Avalon in the Netherlands. She has a lifelong spiritual background which has led her from an open-minded Catholic upbringing (with Mary as central deity) and conducting services in church for many years, combined with her deep connection with Nature and the Ancient Ways, to a path of healing which finally flowed into coming home to Goddess and Avalon.
By sharing her love for Goddess she wishes to celebrate the divine in everybody and everything and to bring Her love and light, Her wisdom, compassion, healing and abundance into the world and into people’s lives. Find more about Marion:
Priestessing for you!
I am a Priestess of Brigantia, trained in the tradition of Avalon.
I am a ceremonialist, teacher, guide, healer and sjamanic drummer.
You can contact me for sacred walks and tours on the sacred land of Avalon and beyond, for bespoke ceremonies like handfastings, namegiving, initiations and other celebrations, spiritual teaching, talks, divine oracling and more...
Priestess/Priest of Brighde training 2013/2014
Ongoing year training to become a Priestess/Priest of Brighde Year Training,
entailing 9 days in 5 weekends, starting around Imbolc 2013 and Initiating around Imbolc 2014.
Brighde turning the Wheel
Taster Brighde walk around Her connection with the Elements and
taster Brighde workshop around Her connection with the 4 cross corners (Maiden, Lover, Mother, Crone):
Saturday 23rd of June (walk),
Saturday 8th of December 2012 (workshop).
Mediation (conflict resolution) works!
I'm a Lawyer and certified Mediator.
I have set up my Mediation Practice with the intention of building bridges between people through communication in a safe and respectful way; aiming for an outcome that looks towards the future and works for all involved!
Lida is a priestess of the Goddess, trained in the tradition of Avalon, by Sandra Warmerdam and Marion van Eupen in The Netherlands. She had been walking with Goddess for many years, not recognizing Her voice and appearance, though, for many tumultuous years of her life. Exploring many aspects of life, she then set herself on a spiritual path which led her to Goddess without hesitation or delay. She recently developed a Mary’s circle to celebrate Mary in Her many divine aspects. Lida is priestess of Brigit/Brigida.
Healing and transformation are core themes for Lida. Say “Goddess” out loud and feel you exist in fullness-again. Re-emerge within yourselves, women and men, your compassion and wisdom.
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